Work to improve your posture.
Correct posture is essential for a healthy spine and body. The way you sit, stand and move helps to distribute the weight balance on your spine, and the load on your muscles. Poor posture has negative impacts on your spinal and soft tissue health. This year, actively work to improve your posture at home, at work, and all the times in between.
Get into a regular stretching routine.
Stretching every day will help keep the pain away. Use this simple rhyme to remind yourself to take periodic stretching breaks daily. These will prevent your muscles from tightening up and developing chronic problems. Stretch breaks are really important for people who sit at a desk all day.
Exercise regularly for joint mobility.
Getting plenty of exercise, as we all know, provides many benefits, both physical and mental. However, what many do not realize is that exercise is also good for maintaining a healthy spine. When you put your body through exercises that increase flexibility and range of motion, you can reduce joint fixations that cause muscle pain.
Keep your body hydrated.
For an average adult, our bodies are made up of between 50 – 65% water. We have to have water to survive, even more than food. Even our spine uses a lot of water. The discs in the spine absorb lots of water and can shrink if they are not receiving enough of it over time.
Keep your bones aligned and muscles healthy.
By scheduling regular chiropractic adjustments and occupational therapy, you can help your musculo-skeletal system stay in proper alignment. This produces optimal muscle, nerve and joint function, all of which will make your body work more efficiently and allow it to heal from injuries quicker.
We hope that these new year’s resolutions will make you feel a lot better, especially with neck and back pain. Don’t you deserve the healthiest life possible for 2016 and beyond?