Need an Occupational Therapist in Perth? Rely on the team here at Langer Chiropractic and Soft Tissue Therapy
Occupational therapy (OT Therapy) is a profession concerned with promoting health and wellbeing and aims to assist people in reaching their maximum potential in everyday life. And, when it comes to occupational therapy, our expert team in Perth are here to help.
Occupational Therapist Services in Wembley, Perth
Our occupational therapists work in soft tissue rehabilitation. Soft tissue rehabilitation is aimed at improving the function of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Throughout the treatment, a variety of hands-on techniques, including myofascial and myopractic, are used. This is to release tight muscles, break down fibrous adhesions and re-train the body to use their muscles correctly.
Our occupational therapists are highly trained practitioners with many years of hands-on experience. They will listen to your needs and provide you with treatment that will best address your problems.
Occupational Therapy can be of benefit to a wide range of conditions such as:
- Neck Pain and stiffness
- Tension headaches or migraines
- Upper, middle and lower back pain
- Arthritis and general stiffness
- Sporting injuries
- Repetitive strain and overuse injuries
- Long term postural complaints
Occupational Therapist Appointments at our Perth Clinic
A Thorough Occupational Health Assessment
Our qualified and dedicated occupational therapists at our Perth clinic can provide thorough occupational health assessments to evaluate your condition and provide you with a plan to promote healing and optimise wellbeing.
Under the guidance of your occupational therapist, you will receive personalised stretching and strengthening programs to suit your needs. This, combined with your clinical treatment, will help restore optimal movement patterns. Your OT will explore your lifestyle factors such as workplace set up and sleeping positions in order to identify and manage aggravating factors.
Personal Ergonomic Assessments with an Experienced Occupational Therapist in Perth
As well as providing you with a thorough occupational health assessment during your appointment, our team of occupational therapists can also provide you with a comprehensive ergonomic assessment to better understand some of the contributing factors in your day-to-day work life, such as posture, which may be affecting an area of your body. Once your ergonomic assessment has been completed, we’ll then create a treatment plan which will help promote your general wellbeing and ongoing healing.
Comprehensive Ergonomic Assessments for Your Workplace
Passionate about all areas of occupational therapy, our Perth team provide comprehensive on-site ergonomic assessments for your workplace or company. These comprehensive assessments can remove or identify any environmental and task-based risk factors to help prevent and resolve injuries within the workplace. Our team will work closely with both the employer and the employee across any organisation, with the aim of maximising the worker-task-environment relationship to reduce fatigue, optimise occupational performance and inhibit injuries or pain.
If you or your workplace is interested in booking an ergonomic assessment with one of our occupational therapists in Perth, please contact us today to secure a booking.
No Referral is Required for Our OT Therapy Services
For both chiropractic and occupational therapy services, no medical referral is necessary. Rebates are claimable for all services from private health funds. This will depend on the insurer and individual level of cover. To confirm your individual cover, please call your health insurance fund.
Our occupational therapists are here to help you. To make an appointment with an OT please contact our Perth clinic.
Ph: 08 9382 3466 or book online now.